
A lifestyle blog focused on home decor, travel, mom life, and event planning. Life is eventful - we could all use a blueprint.

Nursery Gadgets

Nursery Gadgets

Looking around Remy and Shay’s rooms I realized just how many gadgets we have and so many that we CANNOT live without. So here’s a list of what we use almost every day!

Sound Machine - Hatch Baby

This sound machine is perfect. They thought of everything. We’ve used it since day one when Remy was born. We use the white noise setting with a very dim light. You can adjust the brightness of the light, the color of the light, the volume of the noise, and the sounds that play (ex: rainfall, white noise, birds chirping, etc.) We use it literally every day and now we have a second one for Shay’s room. The best part? It grows with your child! Now that Remy is almost 3, he’s been waking up before us and trying to get out of his room. We now use his Hatch to tell him when it’s ok to get up. We programmed it to switch from “white noise/orange light” to “birds chirping/blue light” at 7:00am and he knows that means he can get out of bed. Genius!

Forehead Thermometer

So much easier and more accurate than a tongue thermometer, especially for toddlers and babies. This thing is painless. It lives in our toiletry bags for the boys and comes with us on any trip! Highly recommend.

Owlet Monitor + Sock

You’ve heard me rave about this monitor. I really love a video monitor, even with Remy being older. It is comforting to be able to see in his room at night. I mean, the other day he fell asleep on his beanbag chair so the video feature is still nice! The Owlet also has the sock, which monitors things like heart rate and oxygen levels - a HUGE relief when you’re a new mom or have a newborn at home in general. It’s really reassuring for those first few weeks.

Air Purifier - Bissell

We tend to use this in the winter months in our bedrooms. We have two and rotate them through our three rooms. It has a quiet fan setting that is really nice at night. I replace the filters every 6 months or so.

Humidifier - Frida Baby

This is one of those gadgets that you never think about until you have a sick baby. A humidifier is a lifesaver for a stuffy baby or toddler. We run it at night with a few drops of thieves oil and it works wonders to clear up congestion. This Frida Baby humidifier also has some cool night light settings you can use. We have the Hatch, so we really only use the humidifier setting.

Electric Nail Trimmer

Who would know these exist until you have a baby?! Not me. This saves me a LOT of hassle when trimming those baby nails that grow SO fast. The electric trimmer is more like a file - with various degrees of roughness - you can switch out the head for what you prefer. It is a bit slower to use this trimmer than if you used clippers. That said, one time I got impatient when Remy was a baby, I used the clippers and he was bleeding within one minute…I just don’t have the steady hand for those wiggly babies! Their nails are so small and sharp - this is a very awesome gadget for that first year of baby-hood.

Those are our favorites!

Baby #2 Checklist

Baby #2 Checklist