All tagged Travel

22 Things To Do in Orange County, California

Coming from a gal who lived there for 5 years! I’ve been meaning to put together this list for a while now. We lived in Newport Beach for the majority of our time in Cali and I honestly can’t believe we left. We spent most of our time outside, going on hikes, and exploring the great state! Here are our favorites…

Carry On Essentials

Pre-trip jitters? You know, when you’re so excited to go see a new place, see the sights, stay in a great hotel! Pre-trip packing jitters? If you’re like me, you get those, too. When you are rattling off things you can’t forget to bring…

Packing Guide: Greece

If you’re getting ready for a trip to Greece (or an exotic beach vacation in general) here is a helpful list of what I brought and actually used the most! And the good news is, everything is available on Amazon…